Refurbishment Project of Expressway Tunnels in South Korea

52e Congrès et Salon des transports : PROCHAIN ARRÊT!


Mercredi 5 avril 2017


09:30 - 10:00


Réfection des tunnels – comité technique AIPCR

After the big change of tunnel safety regulation in 2004, KEC (Korea Expressway Corporation) decided to establish a refurbishment project to upgrade old tunnels. Challanges and issues of the project to find optimal solution under limited budget and urgency will be introduced.

*La conférence se déroulera en anglais

Documents reliés


Refurbishment Project of Expressway Tunnels in South Korea

52e Congrès et Salon des transports : PROCHAIN ARRÊT!


Nam Goo Kim
Korea Expressway Corporation
Seung-Wan Ryu
Korea Expressway Corporation


Marc Tesson
chargé de mission réseaux internationaux et animation de la recherche
Association mondiale de la route (PIARC)