STC-SIR-1 – Access procedure for the remote exam

Step 1: Required equipment 

First make sure that you have the required equipment.

  1. Computer

The exam must be carried out on a computer or a tablet. It cannot be done on a smart phone.


Attention! It is strongly advised not to use Internet Explorer. This web browser’s lack of stability often creates random problems. The use of Chrome or Firefox is better.


Here is the list of basic electronic elements required for the training:

Web Brower:

  • Google Chrome

  • Firefox 9.0 or + for PC; 

  • Firefox 3.6 or + for MAC;

  • Safari 4.0 or + for MAC;

  • High-Speed or Intermediate-Speed Connection 


  1. Email

In order to access the remote exam, you must provide us a valid email address.


  1. Camera or cellphone with a camera

You need to take a picture of yourself and send it to us through the AQTr webpage.


  1. Proof of identification

You must send us a picture of one of the following identity documents:

  • Driving licence

  • Health card


  1. Username and password

In order to take the exam, you need your username and password in order to access the AQTr website (these are the same as the ones you used to connect to your training). If you do not have them, please contact Costumers Services (Service aux membres) at: 514 523-6444.



Step 2: Access request for the remote exam and appointment scheduling

  1. Go to

  2. Fill the “ACCESS REQUEST FOR A REMOTE EXAM” form; take care not to forget to send your picture and your ID.

  3. Within 24 working hours after sending your request, an employee from the AQTr will contact you in order to schedule an appointment for your exam.



Step 3: Procedure for the exam

  1. At the designated time for your appointment, be ready at your computer.

  2. Access the AQTr Webpage.

  3. Call the AQTr at: 514 523-6444.

  4. The employee from the AQTr will then activate the access to your exam and will give you the instructions regarding your log-in.


Step 4: Closing of the exam

Once you have finished your exam and/or review, it is important that you close your exam with the SUBMIT MY EXAM button and not with the closing button of the Web browser.