Les mesures préférentielles pour bus. Pourquoi et comment?/Transit Priority Measures. Why and How?

Colloque Mesures préférentielles pour bus : ouvrir la voie


Jeudi 21 mai 2015


08:30 - 09:00

About 80% of Ottawa’s transit service operates in mixed traffic on the general road system, where congestion and traffic signal cause service delays and reduce reliability. To combat these two sorts of transit delay, City of Ottawa uses both conventional and innovative transit priority measures such as various types of bus reserved lanes, queue jumps, freeway ramp connection and traffic signal priority. This presentation reflects on bus priority measures in Ottawa and highlights the effectiveness of some measures. It details the City of Ottawa implementation strategy, site selection process and the evaluation/justification process.

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Les mesures préférentielles pour bus. Pourquoi et comment?/Transit Priority Measures. Why and How?

Colloque Mesures préférentielles pour bus : ouvrir la voie


Hélène Bourdeau
Directrice adjointe - Planification de projets - Service de l'ingénierie
Ville de Laval