Communication and Co-ordination of Winter Road Maintenance: Swedish Methodology for Contract Management

Colloque Mieux intervenir en période hivernale


Mercredi 17 octobre 2018


10:15 - 10:45


Viabilité hivernale

During 2015-2016 the Swedish Transport Administration has developed a new way to monitor and analyse contractors performance in maintenance and operations using modern IT for analysis. The method relies on collecting condition data and determining the criteria for expected measures in accordance to the terms of the contract for expected actions according to requirements. The presentation will also show the coordination methodology between the Swedish Transport Administration (STA) and the organizations the STA is contracting. Good communication helps to accept new methods.
* Cette présentation se fera par vidéoconférence et en anglais.

Documents reliés


Communication and Co-ordination of Winter Road Maintenance: Swedish Methodology for Contract Management

Colloque Mieux intervenir en période hivernale
Viabilité hivernale


Björn Eklund
Head of Project Development
Swedish Transport Administration


Catherine Tremblay
Directrice Principale, Projets et Construction
Les Ponts Jacques-Cartier et Champlain Incorporée (PJCCI)