New Generation Carsharing: The Free-Floating Way

Brief Description
The new generation of carsharing is here, and it is free floating vehicles. Free-floating (or One-Way) carsharing removes the constraints of pick-up points and return stations and eliminates the need for advance reservations. This type of carsharing is mutually beneficial for everyone involved: users, mobility operators and cities.
Cities today are facing a dilemma, populations are growing exponentially and cities are more crowded than ever. Cities have to adapt quickly to meet the needs of their citizens. New methods of transportation have to be adapted because the privately owned vehicle model is outdated. Studies have shown that an average car is only driven 5% of the time, and the cars not in use remain on the streets taking up valuable living space. Even when the cars are in use, 30% of the time they are circling looking for a parking space. Today, cities are looking for solutions to these growing problems, and free-floating carsharing is one of the most effective and efficient answers to these surmounting concerns.
Free-Floating (or One-Way) carsharing is a symbiotic relationship for everyone involved, for end users, mobility operators and smart cities.
Among the numerous advantages free-floating carsharing offers are a reduction in the use of private vehicles (studies say up to 17 cars are removed) and a quick installation and setup, as there is no expensive or space-wasting infrastructure required.
In this new wave of carsharing, apps allow users to locate, book and unlock vehicles quickly and safely, without the constraints of advance bookings, time limits or obligatory home stations. Users can book cars for as long as they want and leave them anywhere within a predefined “home zone.”
Our paper proposal includes all of the innovative and revolutionary features our clients and their users have come to expect, as well as a case study of the most successful independent Free-Floating service in North America and all of the steps that went into launching a successful operation. They scaled up to 750 cars within 1 year and recently announced the expansion of their home zone. The service is used 24/7 and we have analytics that show that one car can be used up to 15 times a day. Evo Carshare is a testament to the success a carsharing operator (or in this case, an automobile insurance club) can experience with a free-floating system.
Innovative Characteristics
Car rentals are nothing new, what is new is how easy and accessible carsharing becomes when you add a free-floating element. Using the app, users can locate the nearest vehicle, book it and unlock the doors, and when they are finished, they can leave it wherever they’d like, making it easier to use than their own vehicle. In our years of experience, we have recognized that free-floating is the model most likely to succeed and, more importantly, continue to stay relevant over the coming changes in smart mobility.
The impacts of carsharing are major. Several studies have argued that each carsharing vehicle can take 17 cars off the road because people sell their cars and put off buying new cars. Privately owned vehicles stay static 95% of the time, taking up space on the streets and wasting their potential, and even when in use, up to 25% of the time is spent looking for a parking spot. With carsharing, one vehicle gets used almost constantly.
An effective free-floating service requires certain elements: an intuitive and easy front-end experience, a powerful back office management system, reliable in car technology, and a large enough quantity of vehicles to make the service instantly available for all users. These are essential elements to the success of an operation because they allow mobility operators to easily and seamlessly scale up services to meet the growing demands of carsharing users, who have increasingly higher expectations the more familiar they become with carsharing.
This practical assessment of what makes up a functional carsharing service will give attendees a view into the real-life application of free-floating carsharing. The benefits of a working carsharing operation in any city are tangible, with 17 cars being removed from the roads, vehicles being used up to 15-20 times per day and average trips of 30 minutes, it gives city dwellers an alternative to Uber that accompanies public transportation.